Do Hoon Kiem
Professional experience
- Post-doctoral research associate, ORNL, 2025.01-current
- Post-doctoral researcher, KAIST, 2023.03-2024.12
- Ph.D in Physics, KAIST, 2017.02-2023.02
- B.S. in Physics, SKKU, 2013.03-2016.08 (Early graduation with highest honor)
See Publications
Research Skills
First-principle density functional theory calculations
- DFT package: openMX, VASP, WIEN2k
- Wannier90, LOBSTER, DFTforge.jl, Jx, BoltzTrap, Phonopy, etc
DFT+Dynamical mean-field theory
- Rutgers eDMFT, DMFTpack
Code developments
- Magnetic force linear response theory (MFT) for exchange interactions
- Magnon package: SpinMax.jl
- Torque magnetometer calculation
- optical conductivity in DMFTpack
Pragramming languages
- Python, Julia, C/C++
Honors and Awards
- Pre-doctoral fellow,
- Department of Physics, KAIST (2021)
- Outstanding Presentation Awards ;
- 2023 KIAS Electronic Structure Calculation Workshop
- 2022 Korea Physics Society Fall Meeting
- 2022 KIAS Electronic Structure Calculation Workshop
- 2022 Korea Magnetic Society Summer Meeting
- 2022 Korea Physics Society Spring Meeting
- 2021 Korea Physics Society Fall Meeting
- 2019 The 11th Brain Korea (BK) 21+ Young Physicists Workshop
- 2018 Korea Physics Society Spring Meeting
Personal Grants
- Venture Research Program for Graduate and PhD Students (2019)
- Venture Research Program for Graduate and PhD Students (2021)
- Machine Learning for materials in magnetic fields
Academic engaugement
- Referee/Reviewer: Journal of Korean Physical Society, Current Applied Physics, Journal of Physical Chemistry